Namibia Botswana Tour


  • Driving through the thick sands of the remote and very wild Khaudum National Park
  • A visit to the Mahangu National Park in the Caprivi Strip
  • Visiting the Western Okavango with its massive lagoons and beautiful scenery
  • An off-road game vieiwing drive through the Moremi Game Reserve
  • An evening at an exclusive lodge in the Okavango Delta
  • All in the comfort of the latest Land Rover Models


  • Accommodation in shared standard double rooms, unless booked as a single traveller
  • Breakfast, Soft drinks, Lunch/ snacks, limited alcoholic drinks
  • Local guide and a Land Rover Experience Lead Instructor
  • Vehicles/fuel (1 Land Rover Discovery for 2 persons)
  • Fees, Maps, CB radio, Ground tents for the campsites
  • Travel price guarantee policy


  • All Flights and other travel costs
  • Premium drinks and minibar
  • Other Extra activities and items of a personal nature
  • Other Extra activities and items of a personal nature

Our Namibia Botswana tours spans over 12 days. It departs from our travel hub in Windhoek, and throught some of the wildest places in Africa – includes camping.

6395.00 € Per Person Sharing
610.00 € Single Supplement

Office Hours
8 am to 5 pm

+264-81-2557046/7 (Mo–Fr 08–17Hrs)

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Day 1

All guests to fly into Windhoek and meet up with their Land Rover Experience crew at their hotel for an Adventure program briefing as well as a driver briefing. Everyone will get the opportunity to get a feel for their vehicles before the guests get some free time to explore around Windhoek.

Day 2

After breakfast your journey will take you north and onto the Waterberg Wilderness lodge in the Waterberg National Park. The Waterberg National park is one of the few places in Namibia outside of the Caprivi where we find Cape Buffalo and is famous for the Rhino drive where guests are almost assured of getting up close to a rhino. The Waterberg also offers beautiful views down onto the surrounding plains.

Day 3

Today is a long drive day where we get our first taste of the long dusty roads Namibia is famous for, the drive will take us through the Outjituuo Communal Conservancy and north to the main gravel road to Tsumkwe. The landscape will begin to change from dry Kalahari scrubland to the taller trees and thicker bush of the Zambezi teak forests.

Tsumkwe is the capital of Bushmanland and but don’t let this fool you, it is a tiny town set in a very remote area. This town is the home to the almost forgotten african tribe of the Bushman of San people. You will stay at the Tsumkwe lodge.

Day 4

Today you hit some serious off road driving, the drive will take us into the Khaudum National Park, with its extremely thick sand and Zambezi Teak trees it is truly a beautiful wild and remote spot. En route we will stop by many water holes and the hope for us to find some game animals along the way. This area has some of the largest Elephants in Africa weighing up to 7 tons. Tonight we camp in the newly renovated Khaudum Campsite. Sitting around the campfire we listen out for the sounds of the African night.

Day 5

Today our drive will take us North, we exit the reserve and make our way through the communal lands that surround the Khaudum National Park. The sand in this area is extremely thick and this will put both man and machine to the test. Once we reach the great north road our drive will take us due east and the Kavango River. We reach NWR Popa Falls resort. Dinner will be enjoyed with the sound of the flowing river in the background.

Day 6

A full day along the banks of the Kavango river, exploring the Bwabwata National Park. The amount of game in this area of the park is staggering and you will be able to see vast amounts of animals. Lunch will be enjoyed on the banks of the kavango river with many beautiful sights around. We spend the night again at the Popa Falls Resort.

Day 7

Today we head to the border and into Botswana. Botswana is famous for the Kalahari desert, the Okavango Delta and the rich alluvial soils with a high concentration of diamonds. A visit will be made to the very well known Tsodilo Hills bushman paintings for a guided tour and lunch, before heading south to Guma Lagoon. The drive into Guma Lagoon can be tricky with thick sand and possible river crossings in your path. You will be camping under the knob thorn acacia trees, in a beautiful spot alongside the Okavango Delta. We will cook dinner on the fire whilst listening to the hippo’s grunting in the nearby lagoon.

Day 8

A relaxed start to the day as we prepare a bush breakfast for all, as well as pack up our camping equipment, before heading back down the sandy track to the main road. Our destination today will be Thamalakane river lodge, on the outskirts of Maun. Once we arrive in Maun we will restock and head out of town to the lodge. Maun is known as the gateway to the Okavango Delta and the last stop before you enter the Wilderness. We will enjoy a lovely dinner on the banks of the Thamalakane River.

Day 9

An early start for the day as we head for Moremi Game Reserve. We will enter the reserve and head for Black pools searching for the elusive lions of the Okavango. Along the way we should encounter a multitude of game species including Giraffe, Elephant, Hippopotamus as well as many different antelope species and others.

We will head up to an area around Xini lagoon before heading back to our campsite in the true Botswana Wilderness. There is nothing like camping in the true wilderness with no fences around you, just your tent in Wild Africa.

Day 10

Today we head deeper into the Okavango, our drive will take us north and deeper into the wilderness seeking out more of Africa’s wild animals. On our drive we will encounter some thick sand as well as water crossings, depending on water levels, which will keep all the drivers on their toes.

This evening we will stay in one of the Okavango Delta’s beautiful lodges which will be very welcome after the long days driving. You will enjoy the sunset while sipping your favourite drink.

Day 11

An early morning game drive in an open vehicle will be enjoyed by all, before we headed back to camp for a well deserved brunch. After brunch we will check out of our room and enjoy our last game drive in our Land Rover Discovery’s before we climb onto the main gravel road that heads south and back to Maun. We will arrive in Maun in the late afternoon which will give you time to relax before our final dinner together.

Day 12

A relaxed start to the day as you get the chance to pack and sort out all your things before you make your way to the airport for your flight back home.





Mud Ruts

