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Leaders have begun to focus more on the importance of emotional intelligence (or EQ) which is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage one's own emotions and recognise, understand, and influence the emotions of others (Collison, Franklin, & Ryan, 2020). Leaders with higher EQ are more successful because they can better comprehend and address the feelings and concerns of their teams. As a result of this, workers become more invested in their jobs, which benefits the company's overall strategic goal (Pradhan & Jena, 2021).

Employee engagement and other positive results can be significantly boosted by leaders who can inspire and motivate their teams to work together towards the same objective (Xin, Yang, & Si, 2021). According to studies, workers are more satisfied and invested in their jobs when their managers exhibit high levels of emotional intelligence (O'Neill & Mone, 2020).

This is due to the fact that workers are more likely to trust and appreciate their leaders when they have high EQ (O'Neill & Mone, 2020). Emotional investment in one's work and one's organisation, or employee engagement, is a key driver of business results and productivity (Xin et al, 2021). Employees that are invested in their work are invested in the success of the company as a whole. Employees that are invested in their work and the company's success are more likely to remain with the company and make long-term contributions (Collison et al., 2020).