+(264) 81 252 7403

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Our Packages

Green Tree Club

N$ 0

School clubs, Drama clubs, Community groups, Church groups, Youth groups

           Monthly Subscription Fee : N$ 0

  • Standard Annual Price : N$ 0
  • 1 User
  • [Basic] Content Management System
  • Venue search
  • Creative Services Search
  • Templatess
  • Creative Event Planner Feature
  • Quotations [limitted]
  • Digital Publications
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Black Tree Club

N$ 400

Creative Industry SME, Event Promoters, Live Performing Arts, Film and Entertainment

           Monthly Subscription Fee : N$ 39.99

  • Standard Annual Price : N$479.88
  • 1 User
  • [Full] Content Management System
  • Venue search
  • Creative Services Search
  • Templatess
  • Servie Busisiness Search
  • Set Design Visualisation Features
  • Creative Event Planner Feature
  • Quotations [limitted]
  • Posts & Digital Publications
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Blue Tree Club

N$ 800

Marketing Professionals, Advertising Agencies, Marketing Departments

          Monthly Subscription Fee : N$ 79.99

  • Standard Annual Price : N$ 959.88
  • 2 Users
  • [Full] Content Management System
  • Venue search
  • Creative Services Search
  • Templatess
  • Servie Busisiness Search
  • Procurement Policy Complaiance Features
  • Set Design Visualisation Features
  • Creative Event Planner Feature
  • Quotations
  • Posts & Digital Publications
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What We Do



About Us

Momve is a trademark product democratising creativity by making it accessible, useful and valuable. Momve Creative is a new innovative platform developed for Entertainment Industry SME’s to optimize their business processes and outputs.


Our Motto

‘The most efficient way to address poverty is through wealth creation, which is done by growing the economy in a sustainable inclusive manner and through the creation of decent employment opportunities’ - Harambee Prosperity Plan


Our Packages

Are Cost Effective, Optimized by Cloud-based Processing to offer the widest selection and provide the greatest creative enterprise software experience.