Book Synopsis

No Time To Waste Time

You have a time-bound purpose to fulfill
When the author did her Master’s degree in 2019, she developed a sincere passion for purpose fulfillment and making a difference in the world. She started giving daily motivational nuggets on her social media platforms, She then decided to go the extra mile and put her inspirational thoughts in book form.

Why I Wrote The Book

The rationale of this writing project was motivated by the premature death of her father and the Covid19 pandemic that disinherited or robbed us of some of the most skilled, talented, creative, and intelligent members of our society, We might be able to relate as most might know directly or indirect of one or two people with so much potential who passed away during this period.
When the author decided to write a book that is relevant to the times we live in considering how unpredictably life has become short and a book that can inspire many to unleash their potential. She deliberately entitled it No time to waste time. Because there is no time to waste time, our time in this world is short, we need to make a difference in this world. Now in order for us to be the change agent we need to first deal with our beliefs system, this is what you are indoctrinated to believe about yourself. Secondly, we need to deal with our behavior, how we conduct ourselves, and treat others. Lastly, deal with our emotions as we need to become emotionally intelligent so that we can know how to respond to different situations. We have a purpose, that is the why you are here, and to that purpose is attached or allocated a portion of time. Now unless you first discover who you are, you will not find your purpose and will ultimately not fulfill it in time. We need to run our race with the constant awareness of the time. There is no time to waste time.
The book basically emphasizes the importance of understanding time in your journey in this world. It aims to discourage any self-limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving our time-bound purpose.

The main objectives of this book is to:

  • Provide practical steps to activate self-awareness which is the key ingredient in identity discovery
  • Deactivate self-limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving our purpose
  • Identity and eliminate time-wasting activities in our life, business, or work environment.
  • Lastly it helps us Discover our purpose and encourages us to make a difference in the world by giving back to our societies.
The main lesson to learn from the book is the importance of time in our journey. Business people will tell you time is money, I tell you time is life hence time management is a very important skill to acquire.

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