About Us

We are the solution to the coast, the beautiful Namib Desert and all the Namibian splendor. We guarantee the ultimate coastal awesomeness of the true Skeleton Coast experience and all the raw beauty of a seemingly dead desert with an abundance of life hidden in plain sight! Our friendly management, agents and tour guides are highly motivated to plan and manage your tour around the famous Sandwich Harbour and environs of Swakopmund.

Tides permitting, a drive along the beach will lead to an occasional sighting of a Seal or Jackal close to the beach. This drive brings us to the point where sand and sea meets, granting us access to the Sandwich Harbour. With option to enter the dunes and drive to a high point where Sandwich Harbour can be seen from the top of the dunes along the ocean. Showcasing the beauty that is Namibia and welcoming you to the Sandwich Harbour experience.

Our name is derived from the Sandwich Harbour, which is situated in the well- known Namib Naukluft Park. Although many have heard of it, very few have ever gotten the opportunity to visit thid hidden jewel. We give appreciative tourists the chance to be able to see the beauty that Mother Africa offers for the unseeing eyes of the world. By offering the Sandwich Harbour experience and a tailor-made Namibian tour.


Inspired by the beauty of letting go? Go tell your friends!

Made combination of dunes tour and kayaking. Both a great experience. Very nice, sympathetic guide to the dunes tour, stunning landscapes, exciting runs just great from the dunes. At least as impressive kayak tour. are fascinating as the wild seals in those interested, never leave the kayaks, be petted partially or the downright demand, one with a lot of feeling in the hand bite without hurting. Unique also can approach the seal colonies, as you look from the water (not the country!). Very good organization of the rather small party with very sympathetic and pleasant guides. Recommendation: Combo split on two days ... afternoon dunes tour the next day in the morning then kayak.


Best adventures ever. Driving throughout the dunes while learning about the existence of plant and animal survival in the harsh desert climate... Refresh by Atlantic sea breeze from top of the Namib sand dunes


Beautiful ride