Sandwich Harbour Full Day

Sandwich Harbour is part of the Namib Naukluft Park, a small lagoon in the south west of Walvis Bay, Dune and Sea meet here to form this land mark attraction.

Our full day tour starts at 10h00 and this is an ultimate tour combination of either cultural and sandwich Harbour or Pelican Point Seal colony and Sandwich Harbour. We meet at our office at the Walvis Bay Waterfront, 1st Floor, Board Walk building.

The lagoons at Walvis Bay and at the Sandwich Harbour are the key points of this tour. This area is a bird sanctuary as it inhabits some 200 000 birds. With tourist’s favourites such as Flamingo, Pelican, avocet, turnstone and a huge variety of waders can easily be seen. November is the perfact bird watching season, with numbers peaking at around 170 000. Several endemic species, such as the Dune Lark and the Damara Tern, are also in the vicinity.

Leaving Walvis Bay behind, we head for the lower reaches of the Kuiseb Delta. This unique ecosystem is dotted with archeological sites, 450 years old animal tracks, wind- blown graves and magnificent dunes. There is evidence of ancient and recent gathering, harvesting and trading by the Topnaar, an indigenous Namibian community descended from the, !Khoi group which relies on the naturally occurring !Nara fruit for survival.


Sandwich Harbour is the highlight of the tour. Spring tides and shifting sands ensure an unpredictable route, but as you approach the towering, wind-sculptured dunes at the edge of Sandwich Harbour, there is a sense of entering a different world. All that is left of the old whaling station and its community of traders and fishermen, is the freshwater lagoon, a solitary deserted building and the strange greenery of this unique coastal wetlands. Your guide will find a suitable place depend on the weather to serves a light lunch, Walvis Bay oysters, champagne and soft drinks.

On our way back, your guide will keep sharing his knowledge on Flora and Fauna, the area with the most highlight is the roaring dune which give you an exceptional view of the landscape and sand board to raise our adrenaline. Then continue to the large salt evaporation ponds and the Walvis Bay lagoon.

If you have chosen the Pelican Point, drive along the narrow stretch of sand that separates the bay from the Atlantic Ocean. Pass by a weathered shipwreck that tells the story of a lost fight against the sea, and catch sight of flamingos, pelicans, terns, and a colony of Cape Fur seals.

Our return to Walvis Bay should be around 16h30.