A Glance At Y-Fem And The Global Goals For Sustainability Development

Y-FEM (The Young Feminist Movement Namibia) is an organization which recognizes and implements the sustainability development goals set out by the United Nations. The Young Feminist Movement has been involved in fulfilling the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development:


No Poverty, Decent work and Economic Growth as well as Responsible Consumption and Production


Through Economic Justice activism, encouraging young women to fully indulge in their capacity as economically independent leaders. Through campaigns, volunteering and internship opportunities, this organization has made strides in combating the statistically high rate of poverty among women in Namibia. Additionally, Y-Fem facilitates dialogues and discussions on financial literacy and financial independence. Jauch Namibia has stated that, “Unemployment amongst women is higher in both rural and urban areas (52.8% and 35.7%) compared to men (41% and 25.8%),” this may have increased during the course of the COVID-19 and the organization is dedicated to reducing this number significantly. Y-Fem Trust Namibia has been directing efforts, since 2009, towards minimizing these numbers.


Gender equality and Reduced Inequalities


A key focus and driving goal for the organization, the fight for gender equality seeks to develop women’s positions and capacity in society. Y-Fem Trust seeks to achieve this through programs that encourage self-empowerment. The organization recognizes that the fight is one against how patriarchal systems have socialized individuals. It is clear that there is a need for individual transformation and growth, and in so doing, the organization has created programs that address mental health, human rights, bodily autonomy, self-improvement and creative expression as seen during the Ti Soros Ge campaign. Additionally the organization, through research and campaigns such as that against Early Childhood Marriages, Y-Fem makes efforts to keep the government accountable to its democratic obligation to cater for all in a non-discriminatory nature as well as to do away with cultural practices that are ultimately harmful to young women, girls and members of the lgbtq+ community.


Through community outreach programs Y-Fem has been able to teach more young individuals to be more independent and to dismantle oppressive self-images.


Good health and well being, Life on Land


Through the safe spaces program, Y-Fem Trust Namibia has allowed for an increase in conversations and dialogues involving wellness and the protection and value of life around us. Y-Fem Trust Namibia encourages and creates spaces wherein the components of physical, mental and social wellness are encouraged. The efforts have largely been seen and implemented in the Y-Fem safe program.


Peace justice and strong institutions, Partnership for the Goals


Solidarity is a cornerstone mode of function for the organization. Additionally, Y-Fem is a movement building organization which seeks to empower the feminist movement in the continent through partnerships, teamwork and capacity building. The organization has formed alliances with feminist organizations and organizations in its capacity as an intersectional organization.

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Legalize Abortion in Namibia

Banshee Beauty Boois started this petition to Honorable Dr.Kalumbi Shangula Minister of Health and Social Services and 1 other Thank you for your time and consideration on this pressing matter. […]

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