Florence Khaxas “Our autonomous spaces as young feminists have always been met with hostility and violence from the institutions that uphol patriarchy, however, we have always found creative ways to organize ourselves and break the isolation and alienation through collaborative action.” Vimbainashe Makanza “Feminist activism recognises that the intrinsic nature of suffering that different groups go through cannot always be captured outside the scope of experience, that empathy consideration of contexts and diversity and love are a priority.” Munukayumbwa Mwiya “Tell your story because you have a responsibility to yourself, tell your story because no one can tell your story better than you can, how you choose to that is your business”

Welcome to the Young Feminists’ Movement Trust Namibia (Y-Fem)

We are an organization dedicated to breaking down patriarchal barriers to the enjoyment and fulfilment of human rights. Our work is aimed at opening up spaces and build bridges for and with younger feminists in all their diversity for to collaborative healing, reflection, and create strategies for advancing Sexual and Reproductive rights and justice. Y-Fem offers training and feminist creative spaces of young marginalized and rural women to be activist & media spokes people, and mobilizing young women and allies in national Inter sectional organizing for young women’s rights. We are connecting young women, queer youth with holistic self-care techniques and resources, and building grassroots community.

Thought Leadership

March 24, 2022

A Glance At Y-Fem And The Global Goals For Sustainability Development

A Glance At Y-Fem And The Global Goals For Sustainability Development Vimbainashe Clara Makanza YFEM Team Y-FEM (The Young Feminist Movement Namibia) is an organization which recognizes and implements the […]


March 24, 2022

A Man’s place in Feminism

A Man’s place in Feminism Lifalaza P.R Simataa Systems in place are constantly adjusting with time, as our ethics, laws and morals are constantly pushed and questioned. Due to these […]


March 24, 2022

Abuse by coercion

Abuse by coercion Vimbainashe Clara Makanza YFEM Team Oftentimes when the subject of sexual abuse comes up, the narrative of a physically forceful abuser comes up, or use of other […]