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About Us

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The objectives of the APVTIN are:

To promote, represent and foster acceptance of the interests of Namibian private technical and vocational (TVET) providers as significant role-players within the TVET sector

To present the views of members and constructive contributions towards the alleviation of challenges, obstacles and inequities faced by private vocational institutions

To stimulate, promote, foster, coordinate and support professional standards, ethical behaviour and quality-driven actions by all persons associated with private vocational institutions including trainees and clients

To enable and maintain a consultative network within the Association and with significant external stakeholder Ministries, authorities, associations and interest groups

To uplift and maintain the provision of relevant and suitable training opportunities to the youth and others needing to access skills re-orientation to meet changing personal circumstances

To actively contribute towards the development of new training approaches, tools and technologies to impart needed knowledge, skills and personal attributes relevant to employment, self-employment and income generation

To offer practical assistance towards the documentation and management of development projects amongst members

To function as an effective and efficient member association with clear, ethical governance and strong communications to and from the governing board.

To be financially sustainable

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Critical Success Factors

Success Factors

01.Ongoing Effective Leadership

By the Board, management and staff at member institutions

02.Adequate Funding

For operations and key activities

03.Continued Advocacy

By the MHETI to ensure TVET remains a national priority area.

04.Ongoing Acceptance

Of the pivotal role played within TVET by the private providers by Government, regulatory authorities and development partners.

05.Effective relationships

Between Members and engagement and management of relationships with other partners.

06.Willingness of Members to commit

To the maintenance of private providers as a high performing sector within TVET.

07.Ongoing Monitoring

Evaluation and reporting on activities, outputs, and outcomes.

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