Call Us On +264 81 158 3683
Email Us On 27 Division, mirpur-12, pallbi.

Integrating New
Learning Technologies - Purpose Driven Learning

Promoting the extension of access to TVET by currently disadvantaged persons.

Making Skills Development
Accessible To All - Promoting Mentorship

Assistance and mentoring towards the development of business and or funding proposals or requests.

Quality Driven
Education Services - Ethical Governance.

Encouraging compliance with Accreditation requirements and obligations amongst members.


Our Mandate
And Aim

The APVTIN is a voluntary association established under Section 21 of the Namibia Companies Act 28 of 2004 as a Not-For-Gain organization.

The principle aim of the APVTIN is to act as a means for private vocational training institutions in Namibia to present united and comprehensive contributions towards the establishment and ongoing development of responsive, relevant, effective, equitable and caring systems for skills development and acquisition that are accessible to all in Namibia and that act for the betterment of Namibia and its people.

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APVTIN work aligns with National Documents such as:

APVTIN recognizes that its work must align with goals, objectives and aspirations outlined in National Documents

Vision 2030

Namibia Vision 2030 presents a clear view of where we are, where we want to go from here, and over what time frame.

Prosperity, Harmony, Peace & Political Stability

Harambee Prosperity Plan II

Action Plan of the Namibian Government Towards Economic Recovery and Inclusive Growth.

No Namibian Should Feel Left Out'

NDP 5 (and future Plans)

Accelerated economic growth, rapid and large-scale employment creation, drastic poverty and inequality reduction.

Fifth National Development Plan
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Our Driving Values

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    Ethical standards of Performance

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    Responsiveness and Respect to the users of our services.

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    The progressive development of Namibia (and all African states) as a democratic, independent nation and trusted global partner

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