Namibia is ranked 4th in sub-Saharan Africa on the Global Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index of 2019.

One in three tourists visiting Namibia come from the United Kingdom, South Africa, Germany, US, Netherlands, France, China and Italy.

Namibia is a land of gripping beauty, wide open spaces and abundant sunshine. It is an arid country for most parts but with contrasting and virgin landscapes ranging from lush vegetation and riverine woodlands in the north eastern areas to mountains, gorges and spectacular desert settings in the southerly west.

Against the backdrop of peace and political stability which allows safety and security to visitors, Namibia is a unique destination that offers vast open spaces, abundant and diverse ecotourism, rich cultural diversities and valuable traditional knowledge.

The key tourism assets include pristine national parks and game management areas, which are home to a great diversity of wildlife and flora. An ancient land of towering dunes—oldest and highest in the world—, endless deserts (including the oldest desert in the world), traditional tribes, the second largest canyon in the world and wildly rugged coast. And where else in Africa can you find authentic German konditorei?

While having recovered elephant and lion populations to complete the Big Five, Namibia also boasts some exemplary conservation successes with the successful reintroduction of the Black Rhino in the Kunene communal areas. Today, Namibia is home to almost half of the world's population of black rhino—Africa’s largest population of black rhinoceros—found in the iconic Etosha National Park.

Besides the reintroduction of the black-faced Impala, Namibia also boasts of the highest population of free-ranging Cheetah in the whole world and one of the oldest plants alive on earth, The Welwitschia.