(+264) 81 7063 119




Clickamore Investments CC was founded in 2021 by Mr Norman Magwaza and his wife, Cynthy Magwaza.

The company was founded for the purpose of bringing convenience to the community it seeks to serve. We are living in a fast paced world and there has never been a time such as this, where convenience has been most sought after as much as it is sought after today.

Our Aims

To solve the health, beauty and lifestyle concerns of the community. With the very best affordable and accessibile products to improve the quality of life with just a click away.

Our Mission

The real return on the investment is to create a better quality of life at the most affordable rates. Rates that even the most average person will be able to afford.


We believe every individual deserves good health, a beautiful feeling and a wonderful lifestyle. Thus we aspire to bring these aspects of life yet being conscious of the value our clients have for their money.