(+264) 81 7063 119




Frequently Questions

Can l purchase goods and have them shipped to another country other than Namibia?

No, currently we only deliver goods within the borders of Namibia.

Are my transactions safe?

Yes, we use secure online payment schemes.

Can l purchase products while the store is closed?

Yes, however delivery may takes place on the next available business day or you can be notified.

What are your operating hours?

Please see our website for an update of our operation times.

Can l return goods purchased?

Please see our “Refunds and Returns Policy” on our website.

What is the delivery period before l can receive purchased goods?

The minimum waiting period is 24hours in some instances the delivery period is even shorter or longer depending on the location.

Can l collect my goods on my own?

Yes, you can opt to collect your goods on your own.