(+264) 81 7063 119




Shipping and Deliveries

Deliveries and orders

Clients that order items that are in stock can expect delivery within 24-hours if delivery address is in Windhoek. This delivery can only be effected upon full payment of the purchase price. Delivery fees will be as advertised on the website.

For clients outside Windhoek, if the products ordered are in stock, will incur courier fees and such product will be delivered within 48-72 hours of placing the order.

For items that are not in stock, the waiting period will be 2-3 weeks and a 50% deposit will be required to complete the order. The rest of the amount will be required upon delivery of the item.

If upon delivery, the wrong product has been delivered, the client will not be charged for delivery costs and the right product will then be delivered.


Clickamore Investments CC (hereinafter referred to as the Business) provides for an option that will allow clients to pick up their items during its operating hours as communicated on the website.

Clients outside Namibian Borders

We currently do not ship our products to clients beyond Namibian borders.